In the forgotten fortress of Magnalith, reality twists and bends at the whim of an ancient artifact. You play as Magnus—son of Merlin—who’s been imprisoned for his dangerous ambitions. Now, you wish to wield the Gem of Proportio, a relic that can manipulate the size and scale of anything in the universe. The prison around you warps and shifts, shrinking and expanding in chaotic ways. To escape, you'll have to navigate tricky environments and solve mind-bending puzzles. But beware—the Gem of Proportio is corrupting both your mind and the world around you. Will you break free and seek your revenge, or will the forces you control consume you? 

NOTE: If the game does not run well for you in the browser, consider turning on hardware acceleration. If it still does not run well enough, we suggest you download the windows version as it will run better.

Note: All 3D assets are handcrafted by us. Apologies for any glitches you might encounter along the way. 

Team: Turculet Alex, Avram Andrei, Turcu Filip, Borozan George 

Want to use our assets or code? Check out our GitHub repository: GitHub - GMTK 2024 

We hope you enjoy our game and happy jamming!


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Install instructions

Download the zip file and extract it.


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The idea is pretty cool, a dimensional mage, wow. Unfortunately I couldn't solve the first puzzle. Also I would add a check for not making objects shrink too much I got my candle to be non existent and I could not find it anymore lol (I could see the light but I couldn't hover on it anymore). Would love to see this developed further!

very cool!